Servicio de expertos aduaneros - TransNatur

This department is made up of a team of professionals that takes care of the logistics needs of each clearance area – land, sea or air.

Import and Export Customs Clearance.

Customs Transits (soivre, Agrex, claims, container positioning, C-5, Phytosanitary Cert.).

Edi Connection, Intrastat Processing.

Support to all departments.

Advice on international transport.

All this activity linked to the different Customs Warehouses that we provide you and that will facilitate your Logistics Operations.

For all products imported from third countries the weight of non-recycled plastic contained in the shipment must be reported. The same applies for imports and exports to Community countries, not subject to customs formalities. All this so that the recipient can declare in Spain the weight of non-recycled plastics that it has acquired.

This mechanism aims to control Carbon emissions and tax if the permitted limit is exceeded. It has tax implications, as well as the obligation to provide details of the Carbon produced.

You need a personalized solution.
         We can help you.